Most children thrive on routine and predictability. But children with Autism must have this routine and predictability or their worlds seem to fall apart. And let me tell you from first hand experience...this is NOT a pretty sight.
To be honest, I have actually come to kind of dread the holidays. The change in routine, the visiting different places, all the people. All of these things create utter chaos for my children. Little Bit more so than Hurricane. But I am coming to realize Hurricane internalizes things WAY more than we realize. I'll have to post soon about my revelations over this past summer with him.
So, in an effort to make things a little more routine I have started creating different ways for them to do their homework. Not to mention what a HUGE struggle homework is in our house with Little Bit. And strangely enough it is also becoming one with Hurricane as well. Sigh. But I am one determined Mama so I WILL figure this out. And we WILL be successful at getting things done around here. WE WILL! So last night I stayed up making pages like this to try and get my kiddos to work on their sight words for school.
I dread the holidays for different reasons, but I understand your stress. It is difficult for any of us to be out of our normal routine, especially hard for children with autism. I think your organizational plan is a good one!